Birthabt 1735, Dublin, Ireland
Deathabt 1806, 96th District, Dutch Forks, South Carolina
Burialabt 1806, Union Co., South Carolina
Misc. Notes
John Gray and Ailsey Hyatt Gray immigrated to America in 1771 with five children.
John Gray (1735-1806) was on Duncan's Creek of Enoree River, in what later became Laurens County by 1771. He obtained a warrent for 200 acres of land on the south fork of Duncan's Creek and it was delivered to him in 1773.
Numerous Gray Revolutionary War service records are found in the SC State Archives. Also, there were several Loyalist Grays, and several John Grays served, but it is fairly easy to identify which John is which by their associates and localities. See Revolutionary War folder AA3049 also shown in S.E. S-502. Descendants have joined NSDAR in Washington, DC on his record.
John Gray's home was burned by the Tories (Gray Family Journal, 1937). This researcher has heard the story many times: While John Gray was serving as a horseman in the SC Militia, his wife Ailesy came to the time of her fulfilment and her husband came home on leave of absence. He was tracked there by the Tory band who were followers of Bloody Bill Cunningham. They were infuriated because John has escaped into the woods in view of them. They entered the house where Ailsey was confined and plundered it of portable valuables. They scattered to the four winds the feathers of the bed, and only gave her enough time to grab the infant and a satchel of baby clothes. They then burned the house to the ground. Ailsey died about 1795, and John married a second time to Rebecca Bishop, sister of Martha Bishop who was later the wife of Jesse Gray. Both were sisters of Nathan Bishop who married Manima Gray.
John Gray died probably in 1806. He is reputed to have had a life of integrity, initiative, industry, faith and conviction.
Birthabt 1738, Antrim, Ireland
Deathabt 1794, 96th District, Dutch Forks, South Carolina
Burialaft 1794, Union Co., South Carolina
Marriageabt 1756, Antrim, Ireland