NameLouis I “The Pious” Martel , King of the Franks

BirthAug 778, Chasseneuil, France
Death20 Jun 840, near Ingelheim
Misc. Notes
King of the Franks ( 814 - 840)
Emperor ( 816 - 840)
Born in Casseuil-sur-Garonne, in today's Gironde, France, the second son of Charlemagne, Louis was crowned king of Aquitaine as a child and sent there with regents and a court to rule in order to quiet rebellions which were forming after Charlemagne's defeat by the Moors in Spain.
When Charlemagne's other sons Pepin (810) and Charles (811) died, he was crowned co-emperor with Charlemagne in 813. On his father's death in 814, he inherited the entire Frankish kingdom and all its possessions. He was crowned emperor by Pope Stephen V in Reims in 816. Louis used Benedict of Aniane, a Septimanian Visigothic nobleman and monastic founder to help him reform the Frankish church. One of Benedict's primary reforms was to ensure that all religious houses in Louis' realm adhered to the Rule of St Benedict, named for its creator, Benedict of Nursia (AD 480-550).
In 817, Louis laid out plans for an orderly succession by dividing the empire between his three sons from his first marriage with Ermengarde: Lothar (who was crowned king of Italy and co-emperor), Pepin of Aquitaine (king of Aquitaine) and Louis the German (king of Bavaria). After Ermengarde's death, he remarried with Judith of Bavaria and had a fourth son, Charles, in 823.
When Pepin died in 838, Louis the Pious declared Charles the new king of Aquitaine. The nobles, however, elected Pepin's son Pepin II. When Louis died in 840, the dispute plunged the brothers into a civil war that was only settled in 843 by the Treaty of Verdun (843) which split the Frankish realm into three parts, the kernels of later France and Germany. The dispute over the kingship of Aquitaine was not fully settled until 860.
By his first wife, Ermengarde of Hesbaye (married 794, 795, or 798), he had three sons and a daughter:
• Lothair (795 – 855), king of Middle Francia
• Pepin (797 – 838), king of Aquitaine
• Adelaide (b.c.799), perhaps married Robert the Strong
• Rotrude (b.800)
• Hildegard (or Matilda) (b.c.802), married Gerard, count of Auvergne
• Louis the German (c.805 – 875), king of East Francia
By his second wife, Judith of Bavaria, he had a daughter and a son:
• Gisela, married Eberhard I of Friuli
• Charles the Bald, king of West Francia
Birth778, Hesbaye
Death10 Mar 818
Marriage819, Aachen, Germany