NameRobert Patterson 
Birth28 Mar 1700, Craigie Parrish, Wygtown, Ayr, Scotland
DeathNov 1774, Augusta Co., Virginia
Misc. Notes
Robert Patterson's will ~ To son-in-law Alexander Stuart, Bible; to son Thomas; to son John; to son John's children; to granddaughter Mary Stuart; to grandson Robert Stuart; to grandson Robert Patterson. Executor, son Thomas. Teste: John Archer, Daniel Kidd, Edward Hall. Proved 16 Nov 1774 by Kidd, and recorded. Thomas qualified with John Madison, Jr.
Robert ( ) Patterson, yeoman, to Thomas Patterson, his son, £10, 167 acres more or less in Beverley Manor, part of 331 acres conveyed to Robert by Beverley, 27 Feb 1741, on Middle River; cor. that part of the tract belonging to John Patterson. Teste: William Baskian, Mathew Armstrong, David Bell. Delivered: Thomas Patterson, 24 Jun 1765 11 MAR 1761 Augusta Co., VA
Marriageabt 1727, Ireland